
When ech moves to a city for college, he leases a flat with two other people. Ed and Max. After a few weeks, the city experienced a large number of homicides. The citizens were unable to enter or exit the city. ech rarely left his flat and spent the majority of his time blogging. A girl's screams were heard coming from outside his apartment a few nights later at midnight. Therefore, he peered out his window, whereupon he saw that Max was striking her with a metal pipe. He realized Max was the serial killer. Max notices him by the time this occurs and runs to the flat. ech closes all of the windows and doors and attempted to call the police. But he was unable to connect due to the persistent rain. Max began pounding on the door loudly and screamed at Ech to open it while also promising that if Ech keeps it a secret, he won't kill him. Since ech knew not to trust him, he acquired weapons to protect himself. When Max lost control, he began stabbing the door and creating a hole so he could open it on his own. A knife and some iron rods were given to Ech. max had a knife too. max walked in and requested ech to lay his weapons down and go away, he also warned that he would do the same if ech did it. Max and Ech put their knives away. Max rushed over to ech and shoved him onto the couch while attempting to tie his leg. ech hit max with his iron rod while he was around. Max passed out. Soon after, he bound Max to a chair and walked outside to call the police. Max was detained when the police showed up. Max was given a death sentence after a few discussions, and ech received free education as compensation for his bravery.
